Mar 7, 2012


As I entered the island... heady rich aromatic smells of flowers, salt from the ocean, vegetation, decay of sea life, smells of food from all the eateries, fresh mowed lawns, humidity smells of heaviness and mildew..
Sights... of swaying palm trees, rich hues of flowers and brightly painted beach houses (little pink houses for you and me :0), birds in flight of every shape and size, golf like carts running up and down roads, sand blowing on the roads and in the air, mist covering certain areas, Whataburgers....ugh, brightly arranged tourist traps of giant sharks, fish, and other such creatures, brown skin and hats on many heads
I hear.... the ocean crashing at all times around the town, the wind whistling through the palms, tires spinning out, music playing all around (especially from Wednesday through Sunday), birds singing their wondrous songs, squeals of laughter from kids on the beach, helicopters flying over, airplanes dropping off parachutes, large ships coming in and blaring their horns, 
Many languages being spoken, many smiles being ushered, many hellos and good mornings, 

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