Apr 3, 2019

Mother Earth

...and the rocks feigned indifference as Mother Earth fed our roots on a daily basis.

Ah, it's taken awhile to recover from a harsh season. This season was not Mother Earth's doing, this season was a bouncing reverberation from shifting times on our planet. 
The rocks provided footing and the grateful need for our trees, our air, our water, our living creatures to sustain us was immense. 
Thank goodness for the arts. They have kept me afloat in order to help others and myself. 
We are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel called life. Tubac called us to her arms for another season. We answered yes. 
Trace, my soulmate, is recovering from 2 surgeries and his step is lighter all the time. Meanwhile I'm getting my footing back through art. It was difficult and one step at a time was required. I had lost my footing. Two paintings came out screaming. They are below... but walking upon the earth's surface has always providing deep healing and once again Mother Earth fed me. 

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